I think the Mister worries about us while he's gone.
There was this one time, just before the Wren Bird came, there was a tornado coming and I read the weather map (that was live and in motion) backwards, thought the storm had passed, and proceeded to whine that I really wanted to watch Dexter.
He was very worried about the Birdie's future that day.
He doesn't like it when I go running during lightning storms.
Or when I play "Chicken" with the cars that are in MY ROAD while I'm running.
He worries about my psychological health when I tell our puppy that I'm going to rip her ears off and stick them up her nose.
Come to think of it, I worry about my psychological health when I tell our puppy that I'm going to rip her ears off and stick them up her nose...
So in the chaos of Newborn Life, there are times when I suspect he's torn between rushing home to the rescue...
or just not coming home until many. hours. later.
Last week, I had to send him this:
Text message exchange on said day:
Freddie: This is the trail of pooped on and spit up on clothes at our house right now.
Mister: Oh no! Are you going to be okay until I get home?
Good thing he's much more the swooping in, red cape,
white knight kinda guy.
Yep. That poo and spitup trail was once a way-too-familiar sight. I have a knight in shining armour around here, too, although these days his rescue comes more in the form of making supper when I forgot and handing me a glass of wine to go drink in a quiet room. :)