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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

One Month

7lbs 6oz

Our life at one month:

Victory: We have yet to be late anywhere.
Recount?: We've only committed to being three places
at a specific time.  
Two of them were the Wren Bird's doctor appointments.

Victory: The Wren Bird rolled over twice.
Recount?: Both occasions were during Tummy Time and it was just a serendipitous coordination of her enthusiastic flapping that sent her rolling to her back.
Her astonished blinking was priceless.

Victory: The Wren Bird slept through the night twice last week.
Recount?: I suspect that she was just begging for relief after days filled with errands.  Her cooing on the monitor implied she just needed some peaceful time with her thoughts.
Amended Victory: The Wren Bird didn't cry during the night twice last week.

Victory: The Wren Bird recognizes the Mister's and my
face and voice.
Recount?: Some articles and nursing books say your little one will begin to gaze adoringly at you while you're nursing.  
The Wren Bird does recognize me, but the look she gives me most often is a furrowed-brow, suspicious, sideways glare that says 
"What took you so long?!?"

Victory: We have established an orderly routine.
Recount?: The extent of that routine?
Every time the Wren Bird burps or pooters (delicate mommyspeak for flatulence) we clap and crow like she graduated valedictorian.  
Every time she flings both arms wildly from her swaddle and stretches her little seven-pound body, we giggle, throw our hands up and cry, "SOOO BIG!"
Every time she falls asleep on someone or does tummy time, we know we have time to accomplish one thing on our list... and yet we choose to take more pictures.

We are the picture of dignified consistency.

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